Friday, August 5, 2016

Let Go and Be.

"No matter how we feel in anyone moment, we are not just our feelings, our roles, our traumas, our prescriptions of values, or our obligations or ambitions.

Facing ourselves, uncovering the meaning in our heard experiences, the entire work of consciousness speaks to a process by which we sculpt away the excess, all that we are not; finding and releasing the gesture of soul that is already waiting, complete, within us. " June 28th 

Every morning, I open up The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo and read a tiny excerpt that pertains to that exact calendar date. There are days the passage relates directly to how I am feeling and there are some it completely goes over my head. However, each and every day I look forward to feeding my mind with words that force me to somehow find where I am at that moment and feel. Living in the moment is something I so deeply struggle with and I have been diligently working with myself towards being more conscious and aware of my thoughts, my life and my feelings as they are. There is no doubt that the world we live in makes it extremely hard to just.. BE! We are constantly filled and fed with the weight of the world and what is going on not just around us but within the lives of others that we are slighted with the attention we give ourselves. We even find that we end up comparing who we are and where we are often times to someone who doesn't even know our name. We are continuously working, striving and sometimes beating ourselves up to reach goals that we think will complete us when truly we are working, striving and definitely beating ourselves up  not for ourselves but to appeal to others. Living in our truth is difficult. Stripping ourselves of all the baggage we carry: the insecurities, the fear, the hurt, the pain, the wants, needs and desires, the lack thereof doesn't make us feel good so we find vices that temporarily mask and suppress our truth with hopes that one day the baggage will drop off and the weight will suddenly be lifted. Well... it doesn't work that way. We must face ourselves. We must unpack those bags of groceries, one by one to reveal not only who we are but who we want to be. It is already inside of us. It lingers in our hearts and our souls. We just have to let go and let it be. For that is truly what it's all about.

When you are alone, in your room, just you and your energy, what do you feel?

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